Writ of Administrative Mandamus Attorneys
Writs of Administrative Mandamus are court orders from the Superior Court used to reverse a final decision made by a state or local agency. If you believe that (1) an agency proceeded in a way that violated the law; (2) received an unfair trial; or (3) believe an agency came to a decision not based on evidence, you may be able to recover by filing a Writ of Administrative Mandamus against said agency.
The Writ of Administrative Mandamus attorneys at Flores Ryan, LLP have expertise in every aspect of California writ procedures, deadlines, and strategies. Our extensive experience on California writs allows us to maximize the chance of favorably resolving the dispute.
CSLB Citations
Getting back to the basics of how a CSLB Citation works, this article will provide an overview of what every contractor should know.
CSLB Accusations
This article covers the basics of a CSLB accusation as well as other useful information regarding accusations.
California Contractors' License - The Basics
Contractors can learn the limits of what their specific license allows them to do and can learn how to properly maintain their license.
Maintaining a California contractors license in good standing
This article will cover the elements all contractors must pay attention to in order to ensure that their contractors license is properly maintained.
- A Writ of Administrative Mandamus is a court order from the superior court to review or reverse the final decision or order of an administrative agency's ruling.
- Pursuant to California Government Code section 11523, unless exempt, an applicant has only 30 days from the effective date of decision to file a writ to petition in the Superior Court.
- An individual may only appeal a final decision from an administrative agency when it is the last form of relief or when there are no further appeals available to the individual.
- Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Code section 1094.5, unless exempt, administrative mandamus is available for review only for discretionary actions, not ministerial decisions even when an administrative hearing has been held.
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